Tuesday, April 4, 2006

Sri Rama Navami Festival

Sri Rama

Sri Rama Navami, the festival that celebrates the birth of Lord Sri Rama, the Avatar of the Treta age, was observed on 30th March at Prasanthi Nilayam. Lord Rama is revered as being the very embodiment of Dharma and one whose life serves as an ideal for all mankind. The Ramayana, an epic poem composed by sage Valmiki on the life of Lord Rama, is one of the sacred scriptures of the Hindu religion. Bhagawan often cites episodes from the Ramayana in His Discourses as examples of how to conduct one’s life according to the noblest principles of Dharma.


A devout Hindu believes that if he reads Ramayana daily he would be nearing God. He also would like to meditate on the name 'Rama' so that all his sins are washed off. Nama Ramayana is the story of Rama written for this purpose. Apart from condensing the story, it helps the devotees meditate on the different sterling aspects of Rama.

His Divine LifeRama,
The perfect avatar of the Supreme Protector Vishnu, is an all-time favorite among Hindu deities. The most popular symbol of chivalry and virtue, Rama the embodiment of truth, of morality, the ideal son, the ideal husband and above all, the ideal king. The heroic deeds of Rama and his exciting adventures have inspired generations of people.
Importance Of Fasting
On Ram NavamiA Ram devotee keep a strict fast on Ram Navami, because the Ram Navami vrata is considered to be one of the five most important vratas in the ancient times. According to the ancient religious texts, it is imperative for every devotee to observe the Ram Navami vrat, as it is the only easy mean of gaining happiness in the material world and achieving salvation at the same time.
It is said that Rama fulfills the wishes of all those who pray to him on this day. On this day, temples are decorated and the image of Lord Ram is richly adorned. Traditional worship begins with chanting Vedic mantras dedicated to Vishnu, and offering flowers and fruit to the god. Satsangs and public gatherings are organized to commemorate the birth of Lord Ram. Excerpts from the "Ramacharitamanas", praising Lord Ram, are recited. Lord Ram's devotees, fast for nine days with fruit and milk, whilst some fast on the ninth day only.

Rituals and ceremonies The house is thoroughly cleaned on Rama Navami and is also decorated. Offerings of fruit and flowers are placed on the family shrine and after an early bath, prayers are recited.
The youngest female member of the household leads the puja (prayers) by applying a red tilak (mark) to all the other members of the family before everyone joins together in worship.
An image or picture of baby Rama is placed in a covered cradle and at noon, the covering is removed and Prasad (special sacred food) is offered to Rama, which may then be shared amongst the congregation.
There is an element of fasting. Some people don't eat certain foods, particularly things like onions, garlic, some spices and wheat products.
The festival is a focal point for moral reflection and being especially charitable to others.
Celebrations at places associated with Sri Rama, like Ayodhya in Uttar Pradesh and Ramesvaram in Tamil Nadu attract thousands of devotees.


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